Saturday, February 6, 2010

Brighter, Greener, Happier

Ahh, the warmth, the sun, bare feet, and bug catching.

Short sleeves...

and rock digging.

Then I woke up:

Ha! We're in the middle of winter!
BUT, I had some good sleep this week- a rarity. It's amazing how much brighter, greener, and happier things appear. I've got a tune in my head and a skip to my step. I thought, "Maybe I'll update that old blog of mine."

The holidays seem FOREVER ago, but I promised to post some things from it. After Christmas, we headed South to Michael's side. Maybe you grew up singing a barbershop trio of the Star Spangled Banner with your siblings, but I didn't!
I was a little shy to sing songs around the piano on my first trip to meet my in-laws, but I about fell to the floor when Michael's dad tried to give me my own pitch and part! My weak little voice finds other jobs to do when the singing starts now, like camera man:

The Walker side:

I would show you our cute family picture around the Christmas tree, but we don't have one.

And I would show you how perfect our tree was, but by the time we found the tree farm we were looking for the best tree silhouette:

The doll for Kynlee was a hit, so much so if I had known I may have sprung for the American Girl brand... may have.
With Easton we could have stopped at the Lego Star Wars video game and pjs. One word, obsession. I'm glad I caught the spontaneous present kiss on camera.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

The kids in front of the tree gave me a good laugh! So true!!!
What you don't sing???!!!! Nahh!!