Monday, April 12, 2010


Michael sang in a duet for an Easter program our stake had. I thought he did great. I took a bad audio recording of it with my camera, (kid voices included) but wanted to get it up for the family to hear. I'm going to try and find a better recording. The lady sings first. Don't you think he should sing more often for things?

This is a video you can actually see him singing in. Kynlee heard him practicing for a ward talent show last Fall and wanted to join with him. She only had a few days to work with him on it, but they both did great. She sings a lot with Michael. It was Kynlee's dream to sing up on a stage. She even tried throwing in a little vocal run at the end : ) I was holding wiggly Ander, I know the recording is the pits! But they were awesome.


Quirkle said...

Maybe you should have Michael singing in church be an Easter tradition for all of us. He did great.

Chad and Stacey said...

How cute! What brave people you live with!!