Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I thought I'd post a preschool field trip. I haven't talked about my MAPP group (Moms of Advanced Preschool Prep) rightfully named by one mom. I'm so glad my sister introduced me to a mom's preschool group when I first moved here, and so glad I've been fortunate to be involved with awesome groups for both Kynlee and Easton. My children and I have really benefited from the talents and ideas of the other moms. It's great to find parents that have the same morals and drive for their kids. This year I'm in a group with four other moms, we teach two days a week and rotate around to the different houses. We just finished our health and nutrition section and topped it off with a trip to the National Institute for Fitness and Sport.

I'd show you images of my week of teaching- but it really was a bit nerdy- I covered anatomy. All I can say though, is Easton can tell you the shape and function of the body's major organs. Ha! I love it. He walked into my room when I was cutting out felt shapes for kidney, kidney bean, bean bags and said "Why are there all these kidney's laying around?"

Pictures provided by our designated preschool mom photographer. You see what I mean by benefiting from the talents of others?


Jodi Orgill Brown said...

Beautiful photos! Love them! I think doing the anatomy was a great idea! :)

Ashley said...

Oh I so miss the MAPP! We definitely benefited from your creative lessons! The fitness field trip sounds awesome! Who figured out it was even there? Miss you guys!