Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Weeks

Michael has been to work only about four hours these last two weeks. Might I recommend two full time parents? It's awesome. He's been Mr Mom, cooking and cleaning and taking care of the kids. The other day he got after me for leaving something on the kitchen counter because he had just cleaned it up. He stopped mid sentence and said "I'm really nagging aren't I... I have become a woman."
I love it.

The kids have had great days. We really are lucky to live where we do, it's just the environment I'd picture for kids to grow up in. Our cul-de-sac has great neighbors, the kids play and ride bikes with each other. They swim at our neighborhood pool, and fish in the neighborhood ponds. One garage has been designated the Animal Club where they have frogs, crabs and a guinea pig they take care of. I just sit out on my lawn chair and watch them romp around.


lindygirl said...

Looks and sounds like a wonderful time. God knew what he did when he created man and woman to work together. Having a Dad around is SO nice!!!

Jodi Orgill Brown said...

Sounds like fun. Your pictures look fantastic. Your kids are really growing up. -- Tolan