Friday, September 4, 2009

Go Girl and Go Hubby

I did my triathlon last week. No after pictures on the arm muscles yet, I know you've all been excited to see the speed bump growth. Now that I've finished the endurance test, I'll try to bulk up with a little P90X (yeah baby!). Michael wasn't able to do a tri this summer- that ol' double back up thing for work got him. No pictures of the race, I was flying solo there. About the time I was running the last turnaround on the course, Michael was getting off a grueling 14 hour night shift (he's back on nights for the month!). So my thought for the day, if you want something, then you REALLY have to work for it, whatever it is, work, health, family...tidy house, most things come with sweat.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Mindy, on your triathlon! How exciting and determined you must be. I wish I had motivation!! I found your blog from Amber's. I hope you don't mind me reading it and posting comments. :o) Hope you all are well!! It looks like you've added a few extra kids in the mix, too.

~Emily (and Steve) Morrison

I don't have a blogspot blog but you can link to our website from Amber's if you'd like.