Monday, December 6, 2010

Bethlehem Church Activity

I'm dedicating a blog entry to our church Christmas party because I thought it was so well done. The invitations were scrolls telling us we needed to come to Bethlehem to be taxed and to wear proper attire. The day of the party I pulled out my scrap fabric box and came up with something I didn't have to sew, this:

I was married to a Roman soldier. I wish I had a picture of him standing up, it was a good outfit some clever person came up with. He had a little "Hear ye, hear ye..." part at the beginning of the program.

This is a picture of my brother-in-law, he was the Census taker. I wish I had a picture of their family, they were the first ones I saw as we walked up to the booth to sign in on a scroll and they looked so cute.

We were given a little bag of coins to use at different booths. They had a market with chicken and loaves of bread, grapes and cheese, and desserts:

It was funny seeing everyone in Biblical attire. Hopefully they don't mind me sticking their picture on my blog.

The YW took turns being the water well girl.

They also had tents with games for the kids, making bead bracelets, making little pots (out of magic model clay), writing Hebrew and a spice jar shop. They even had a tailor shop were you could get clothing if you didn't show up with any:

That's Kynlee in the blue. It was a little hard finding your own children, their outfits started blending together.

That guy is actually Jewish, he married a Mormon- what a cool couple.

Then we all sat down and watched a nativity program.

The church was decorated so well, I wish I had taken all of my cul-de-sac with us. They really out did themselves and it really felt like a market we were bustling around in. It cracks me up to watch Ander. He just has to go along with things. OK, you want to put that on my head and we're going here and it's all normal apparently. Behind Ander you can see a little of Michael's soldier outfit, the skirt thing and cape.

I told the activity leader that we should do that activity every couple of months, that probably would make her faint, but well done.


Amber Chappell said...

Wow, that seems like a very well done activity. Your activity chairman must be an overachiever or very good at delegating!

Richelle said...

We did this once when I was a teen and I will remember it for the rest of my life as the best church activity ever. Love your photos and that you posted this.

Ashley said...

Miss that Avon Ward! Would have been fun to go to, but I'm glad I wasn't in charge :) Merry Christmas!