Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Merry Christmas Post

A little late, but non-the-less, Merry Christmas everyone. I really meant to get cards out this year. I love receiving them from all the family and friends. I am not too on top of it these days, but, I got the design good to go for next year- just need to swap in some updated head shots of the kids.

Here is our most recent, decent, family picture:

Looking at the picture made me think back to when Michael and I first married, we married our last semester of undergrad. After we graduated, we borrowed my parents full size van (because we couldn’t afford anything U Haul related) and drove three days to a new city, with $1,500, no jobs waiting, and no place to live. We quickly found a small one bedroom apartment, and moved in a desk, card table, bookshelf, and rocking chair. Not long later we picked up a dresser from the side of the road, and were given an old futon to sleep on. That’s right, 6’5” male 5’9” female sleeping on a futon, which also doubled as our couch when guests came over. It was a humble beginning, but it was ours, and it was fun.

After SEVEN years of married we bought our first home, had our first washer and dryer, AND we had a dishwasher. I was weeping tears of joy for modern conveniences. We will celebrate TEN years this month. Looking back, there has been slow but steady progress in material things, but I can also see progress in ourselves in principles and virtues that we’ve learned and practiced over the years. We do feel blessed to be where we are, and WE ARE HAPPY.


Richelle said...

Great family photo. Can't even believe how grown up your family is getting. Hope you had a very merry Christmas.

Chad and Stacey said...

Wow 10 years! Congrats with that and with the beautiful family you have!