Thursday, November 8, 2012

One Goal Down

I've had Easton in gymnastics on and off over a couple of years (it's Jedi training). He's in an all boy class right now. I think it's great for coordination and strength training. There's a long, tough rope they eventually get all the kids on. Easton tried to climb it this spring and was really upset he couldn't. (I talked about this rope with Kynlee back at the very beginning of the blog). It became a goal learning moment. We've been working with him a bit, and whalla, one day it clicked. He went from not moving up more than a couple of feet to scaling right up it. I felt so happy for him. Now he climbs it a few times each class.

Easton has natural tendency not to like challenges. He feels overwhelmed easily. I've been trying to have him see getting through all the challenges and goals is possible. I think it's helping.

The thought popped into my head one day, and I think it was inspired, to have him read the Book of Mormon, every verse by himself. I think he'd be very impressed to look at a thick book like that with tiny writing and be able to say he read it all. I thought, one verse a day and he wouldn't feel like he was suffering, slow and steady right? But then I did the math and learned that would take 18 years to finish! Uh, yeah, got to do a little more than that. I've gotten him to three versus before without him spitting too much venom of complaints at me. I think he will ease into it with time.

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