Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Great Mystery

Looks like a blob, doesn't it? This is my fourth and I still think it looks like a blob. I mean really, couldn't they come up with a better picture to send me home with?

Then I turned it sideways, and it looks like a thumbs up. Rascal.

I took all the kids in for the halfway ultra sound because... well, I'm not sure. For some reason it seemed like it might be fun to find out the gender with them. Kynlee and Ander were on the tail end of a stomach bug, so I didn't feel like another mom could watch them, and what's Easton along with the other two?

I forgot how long the Ultrasound Tech spends doing the important work before telling you the gender. When the kids didn't find out in the first five minutes if it was a boy or girl their attention needed to turn elsewhere. It turned to things like... the fun spinning, rolling chair they have in every medical office, or the automated water faucet, or the curtain that can roll/whip from side to side- good for energetic puppet shows. Kynlee was on her hands and knees acting like a lion at one point making the boys scream -loudly. There wasn't much enforcing on my commands I could do being constrained to the bed without a hubby there to help. When Ander started undressing himself, all I could do was laugh.

In hind sight, I should have made it well known to the Tech how deeply grateful I was for three children and how honored I felt to be able to have a fourth. I'm not sure that came clearly across. We were all bummed too when we couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl- well the kids were until they got a lollipop and some stuffed animals (creepy hospital germ filled toys). When I got home, I grabbed my Radiologist husband by the shirt and told him he needed to figure out what we were having.

This story to be continued...

(Report: Follow-up ultra sound negative. Baby twisting and turning- foot blocking view, still don't know... hubby? Where are you?)


Jodi Orgill Brown said...

Ohh, it is so hard to wait...we want to know! ;) Keep us posted!!!

Richelle said...

congrats on having a shim to add to the circus. Love your post. Mom's are amazing, you included.